We acknowledge that Hampstead Health is located on the traditional country of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains. We acknowledge the cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land of the Kaurna people as of importance in the development of this health service as a welcoming place and its role in positively supporting the health and well being of the Kaurna people.

Our vision is to deliver high quality, comprehensive, integrated, multidisciplinary primary health care services to the people and communities within the catchment area of five kilometers from Hampstead Health location and bounded in the South East by the River Torrens.

Hampstead Health will encompass the following definition of primary health care:

“Primary health care is a holistic approach which incorporates body, mind, spirit, land, environment, custom and socio-economic status. Primary health care is an Aboriginal cultural construct that includes essential, integrated care based upon practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable procedures and technology made accessible to communities as close as possible to where they live through their full participation in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination. The provision of this calibre of health care requires an intimate knowledge of the community and its health problems, with the community itself providing the most effective and appropriate way to address its main health problems, including promotive, preventative, curative and rehabilitative services.” (Adapted from the World Health Organisation Alma-Ata Declaration 1978).

The primary health care developed by Hampstead Health will encompass:

“the provision of medical care, with its clinical services treating diseases and its management of chronic illness, it includes such services as environmental health, pharmaceuticals, counselling, preventive medicine, health education and promotion, rehabilitative services, antenatal and postnatal care, maternal and child care, programs and necessary aspects of health care arising from social, emotional and physical factors.” (Boughton, 2009).

We are committed to providing the maximum amount of clinical training and education for all current and future primary health care workers.

We will engage with our community to improve individual and community capacity for health and self determination, prevention of illness, and early detection and management of diseases with the aim of reducing avoidable hospitalisations and deaths, reducing disease risks, improving work participation, individual and family well-being and overall quality of life.

To achieve our vision we will deliver:

  1. A high quality coordinated range of health services to meet the needs and priorities of the community within Hampstead Health catchment area;
  2. Integrated models of preventative care, ambulatory care, chronic disease management, clinical governance, and community engagement and development;
  3. Shared care using protocols with a focus on community, inter-professional and patient partnerships in care;
  4. Responsiveness to the local community including all ethnic, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and older Australians needs for health and wellbeing related care;
  5. Accessible, culturally appropriate and affordable care to all patients.
  6. Support for integrated preventive health care and the promotion of healthy lifestyles with regular community forums, newsletters, health screenings and an informative, relevant website;
  7. An efficient and effective electronic clinical information system to enable medical records to be available to all relevant practitioners with patients’ consent and to enable proper clinical governance;
  8. A quality work environment with clinical sessions, multidisciplinary case management, teaching activities and primary health care research projects to attract and retain the best possible workforce;
  9. Fully accredited services to RACGP Standards and allied health accreditation standards and participation in the Australian Primary Care Collaborative Program;
  10. A viable, sustainable and efficient business model;
  11. High quality education and training opportunities;
  12. Co-ordination with other health services to strengthen local primary health care.


Values and Philosophies of Hampstead Health

Our values are:

  1. We want to build a vibrant organisation that embodies all of the important human values – trust, reciprocity, integrity, respect, dignity, courtesy, fairness and social responsibility;
  2. Give every community member, participating health professional and employee a chance to contribute;
  3. Treat every patient as a family;
  4. Support, empower, and appropriately reward all participants and employees;
  5. Build long term creative relationships with all local health and social care organisations in our community;
  6. Train extensively and constantly to build and reinforce our vision.
  7. Pay close attention to detail;
  8. Progress is imagining, working, building a better way to deliver health and wellbeing;
  9. Succeeding as a team while excelling as individuals.



Hampstead Health has a Board of Directors with the majority of directors independent that consists of:

Aaron Langman (Executive)

CEO and Executive Director, Aaron Langman, has a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Business. Aaron has over 15 years’ experience in delivering primary health care services, including the establishment of over 10 General Practices. He also owns a consultancy company servicing the medical practice business industry.

Andreas Clark

Since July 2014 Andreas Clark has been the CEO of Wine Australia. Prior to this he held a number of senior management roles with Wine Australia. Before joining the wine industry he served as a diplomat with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra and Brunei and has also worked as a lawyer in private practice and in-house with an ASX listed company. He holds a Master of Laws from the Australian National University and Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from Flinders University and is admitted to practice in South Australia. He has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from the Securities Institute of Australia.



The Board and the management team are united in wanting to deliver state of the art primary health care through Hampstead Health and to be able to use our collective decades of training and experience to deliver improved health outcomes to the community in the catchment area.

All members of the Hampstead Health team subscribe to the values set out above and are motivated by the opportunity to deliver on these and on our vision. We all believe that the purpose of Hampstead Health is primarily to deliver high quality integrated multidisciplinary primary health care while maintaining organisational viability and continuous improvement.


Building Hampstead Health

The video below provides a quick visual history of the building of Hampstead Health, from initial Artists Impressions to the final product.


Privacy Policy

Hampstead Health privacy policy

Current as of: 27th June 2019


This privacy policy is to provide information to you, our patient, on how your personal information (which includes your health information) is collected and used within our practice, and the circumstances in which we may share it with third parties.

Why and when your consent is necessary

When you register as a patient of our practice, you provide consent for our GPs and practice staff to access and use your personal information so they can provide you with the best possible healthcare. Only staff who need to see your personal information will have access to it. If we need to use your information for anything else, we will seek additional consent from you to do this.

Why do we collect, use, hold and share your personal information?

Our practice will need to collect your personal information to provide healthcare services to you. Our main purpose for collecting, using, holding and sharing your personal information is to manage your health. We also use it for directly related business activities, such as financial claims and payments, practice audits and accreditation, and business processes (eg staff training).

What personal information do we collect?

The information we will collect about you includes your:

  • names, date of birth, addresses, contact details
  • medical information including medical history, medications, allergies, adverse events, immunisations, social history, family history and risk factors
  • Medicare number (where available) for identification and claiming purposes
  • healthcare identifiers
  • health fund details.

Dealing with us anonymously

You have the right to deal with us anonymously or under a pseudonym unless it is impracticable for us to do so or unless we are required or authorised by law to only deal with identified individuals.

How do we collect your personal information?

Our practice may collect your personal information in several different ways.

  1. When you make your first appointment our practice staff will collect your personal and demographic information via your registration.
  2. During the course of providing medical services, we may collect further personal information.
  3. We may also collect your personal information when you send us an email or SMS, telephone us, make an online appointment or communicate with us using social media.
  4. In some circumstances personal information may also be collected from other sources. Often this is because it is not practical or reasonable to collect it from you directly. This may include information from:
  • your guardian or responsible person
  • other involved healthcare providers, such as specialists, allied health professionals, hospitals, community health services and pathology and diagnostic imaging services
  • your health fund, Medicare, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (as necessary).

When, why and with whom do we share your personal information?

We sometimes share your personal information:

  • with third parties who work with our practice for business purposes, such as accreditation agencies or information technology providers – these third parties are required to comply with APPs and this policy
  • with other healthcare providers
  • when it is required or authorised by law (eg court subpoenas)
  • when it is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to a patient’s life, health or safety or public health or safety, or it is impractical to obtain the patient’s consent
  • to assist in locating a missing person
  • to establish, exercise or defend an equitable claim
  • for the purpose of confidential dispute resolution process
  • when there is a statutory requirement to share certain personal information (eg some diseases require mandatory notification)
  • during the course of providing medical services, through My Health Record (eg via Shared Health Summary, Event Summary).

Only people who need to access your information will be able to do so. Other than in the course of providing medical services or as otherwise described in this policy, our practice will not share personal information with any third party without your consent.

We will not share your personal information with anyone outside Australia (unless under exceptional circumstances that are permitted by law) without your consent.

Our practice will not use your personal information for marketing any of our goods or services directly to you without your express consent. If you do consent, you may opt out of direct marketing at any time by notifying our practice in person or in writing.

How do we store and protect your personal information?

Our practice stores all personal information securely in an electronic format. Personal passwords are used for all staff who have access to clinical records. Staff who may need to access your health information have signed a confidentiality agreement. Access limitations are set in accordance to the staff members role within the practice.

How can you access and correct your personal information at our practice?

You have the right to request access to, and correction of, your personal information.

Our practice acknowledges patients may request access to their medical records. We require you to put this request in writing and our practice will respond within a reasonable time, usually within 30 days. Access to your personal health record will incur a fee to cover administration costs, these costs vary depending on the size and complexity of the request. Our practice will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information where the information is not accurate or up to date. From time to time, we will ask you to verify that your personal information held by our practice is correct and current. You may also request that we correct or update your information, and you should make such requests in writing to the practice.

How can you lodge a privacy-related complaint, and how will the complaint be handled at our practice?

We take complaints and concerns regarding privacy seriously. You should express any privacy concerns you may have in writing to the Practice manager, Hampstead Health , Level 1, 237 Hampstead Road, Lightsview, SA, 5085. We will then attempt to resolve it in accordance with our resolution procedure usually within 30 days.

You may also contact the OAIC. Generally, the OAIC will require you to give them time to respond before they will investigate. For further information visit www.oaic.gov.au or call the OAIC on 1300 363 992.

Policy review statement

This privacy policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is in accordance with any changes that may occur. Any changes to our policy will be published on the practice website and made available at the practice.


Your Rights

If you are concerned about any aspects of the service you receive at our practice, please discuss with your doctor or a reception staff member. If you have a significant complaint that you would like to raise with the practice please provide this in writing.

Feedback and complaints forms are available at reception or clicking these links:- Patient Feedback Form

Complaints form

You may also like to send your feedback or complaint by email to teamleaders@hampsteadhealth.com.au

If you need to discuss the matter outside the practice, contact

The Medical Registration Board, AMA or Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner

PO Box 199, Rundle Mall SA 5000

Tel. (08) 8226 8666

Free Call 1800 232 007

Fax: (08) 8226 8652


New Patient Information

Some of our services include: Women’s Health, Antenatal shared care, Men’s Health, Children’s Health, Skin Checks, Aged Care, Immunisations and Baby Checks, Patient Education, Mental Health, Minor Surgery and Pathology.


Hampstead Health is a mixed billing medical service however, there are several services that do no attract a Medicare rebate. These services include
but are not limited to: Pre-employment medical examinations and reports Commercial driving licence assessments, some skin procedures. These services vary in cost and the consultations are generally longer in duration. Please contact the surgery for the individual cost of these

Confidential and anonymous questionnaires for patients are supplied intermittently. If any patient of this practice is unhappy in area of care, we would appreciate being informed. Please express your concerns to your doctor or receptionist.

All patients are required to have an appointment to renew prescriptions.

Practice nurses are available each day for:
• Dressings
• Chronic disease management
• B.P. Checks
• Childhood Vaccinations
• Health assessments

All consultations and procedures are on an appointment basis. Reception staff must be notified or urgency. Appointments are made at 10-15 minute intervals. Longer consultation or procedure times are available if required. Please notify the receptionist when making your
appointment. If more than one family member is to be seen by the doctor, please advise the receptionist at time of booking so an additional
appointment can be booked. Emergency or longer consultations could delay your appointment. For continuity of care, patients are encouraged to make appointments with the usual GP whenever available.

Patients are offered enrolment in clinical systems for specific illnesses e.g. diabetes, asthma etc. all patients will be recalled to discuss any abnormal results. However, it is the responsibility of the patient to give correct and current contact details.

We ask patients to make every effort to attend the surgery for consultations, however we will visit our regular patients at home wherever possible if their condition prevents them from coming to the surgery and if they live within a reasonable distance to the surgery.

Due to their personal nature, no results will be discussed over the phone (with exception of INR results for patients on anticoagulants). Patients are requested to make a follow up appointment with their doctor.

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Our policy for management of your personal health information can be provided upon request.

Our practice will only provide limited communication via email. Only non-urgent clinical matters should be communicated via email as opposed to telephone because we may not necessarily read all emails on a daily basis. Emails should be sent to: reception@hampteadhealth.com.au

Your medical record is a confidential document. Our privacy policy can be provided upon request. We abide by the National Privacy
Principals available at www.privacy.gov.au/health/index/

If you are concerned about any aspects of the service you receive at our practice, please discuss with your doctor or a reception staff
member. If you have a significant complaint that you would like to raise with the practice please provide this in writing. Feedback and complaints forms are available at reception or on our website. Please return to teamleaders@hampsteadhealth.com.au
If you need to discuss the matter outside the practice, contact:
Health and Community
Services Complaints Commissioner
PO Box 199, Rundle Mall SA 5000
Tel. (08) 8226 8666
Free Call 1800 232 007
Fax: (08) 8226 8652

Ambulance Emergencies 000
General Emergencies 13 25 00
Poison Information 13 11 26
After Hours Care 13 74 25

Modbury Hospital 8161 2000
Womens & Childrens Hospital 8161 7000
Lyell McEwin Hospital 8182 9000
Royal Adelaide Hospital 7074 0000

When things go wrong with medicines call 1300 134 237

A digital copy of our patient information brochure is available by clicking this link